

Welcome to Chestbeating By Word. Writings on artists, experiences, entertainment and fiction.

Lucky Number

Lucky Number

This morning the new hire James and I walked to the café together. The journey was in almost complete silence, which was not what I expected. In the office when I asked if anyone wanted to come with me James surprised by springing up, his long legs sheathed in black jeans unfolded like a 50s movie switchblade. Opening a desk drawer he rummaged for his wallet before tucking it into his back pocket and charging off down the stairs. I had to jog to catch up.

The only thing he said before we got to the cafe was “Nice day.” The rest of the time it was eyes front and legs scissoring.

We picked up our orders and pushed through the crowd. James’s tall angular frame was better than mine at squeezing through the packed store. Or maybe it was his demeanour; he radiated intensity like a dwarf star. Unconsciously people moved apart to let him through. Out on the sidewalk we strode the few feet to the curb and waited for the lights to change.

“What’s the best letter?” James asked me. He still looked straight ahead.

“What do you mean?”

“The best letter of the alphabet, what’s your favourite?”

Taken by surprise I stalled. “I don’t know, what do you think?”

“X,” he replied. “X is a great letter, underused I think. It’s a pity there aren’t more words with X. Yep, love the X.”

The green walk signal beckoned us across. He strode off with even more energy. The conversation was like adrenalin to him. X had given him wings.

Struggling to keep up both physically and with where the conversation was going I gave it my best shot from a yard behind him.

“ P. I quite like Ps.”

I said it for no better reason than it sounded like I liked the vegetable. I thought he might like the corny wordplay.

James froze in mid stride, just for a second as if a video had been paused and then he walked on but now slower. I felt like I had stumbled into a freezer.

A little angry now but also desperate I asked, “What’s your lucky number? Mine is three.”

James stopped and turned. I could see the energy leave him. With the last of it he snorted and said.

“Lucky number, why would anyone have a lucky number?”

Photo by Markus Krisetya on Unsplash

Fitzroy Diamonds

Fitzroy Diamonds

